Welcome to Darunnujoom Orphanage Perambra
മലയാളം English
online donation
dnoperambra@gmail.com 0496-2610272, 09497410272



NIMLP School(1928) : Nusrathul Islam Madrassa established by Late. Saidalikutty Moulavi, the first educational venture by the committee was later converted to NIMLP School. NIMLP School is an aided school under the committee where more than 150 learners are educated every year. As most teachers are the alumni of Darunnujoom, the inmates get utmost care. The school has playground, stage, smart class rooms and all other amenities required for a first class school. School was the overall champions in the Sub District Arabic Arts Fest during 2017-18. The school hatches many LSS winners every year.